How to Build Your Author Platform

by | May 11, 2021 | Aspiring Authors, Marketing

Your book is published, now what?

How do you plan to let the world know about its existence and get people talking about and reading your book?  What’s the best way to get yourself into the marketplace and generate sales momentum?

At this point, having an author platform becomes relevant to present yourself and your book successfully.

What is an Author Platform

The various channels you use to let the “world of your ideal audience” know about you and your work. Promptly reach your audience and share information about your books and various product offerings, including conducting your marketing initiatives via your platform.

Having a platform allows you to connect with a built-in audience that truly enjoys your work. Visibility is critical to your success, and your author platform affords you that visibility.

What makes up my Author Platform?

  • Your Brand
  • Website (incl. your blog)
  • Mailing List
  • Social Media Channels
  • Connecting and engaging via podcasts, live events, interviews etc

Q: When is the right time to start building my author platform?

A: Now. There is no reason for you to wait until you are published. Building your author platform is a long-term process. The sooner you start, the better.

Tips for building your author platform:

  1. Realise that you are an Authorprenuer and so advance your career as a business.
  2. Pick a name or handle for your business and be consistent with it across all platforms.
  3. Secure your name as a website domain.
  4. Pick a social media management tool to assist you with posting content across your social media channels.
  5. Share content that is meaningful and adds value to your audience.
  6. Place your logo and URL on all your imagery for interested people to find you easily.
  7. Allow your email signature to work for you by adding details of  your social media channels and URL.
  8. Put in the hours required to nurture and grow your author platform.
  9. Remember to thank your audience for their support and for engaging with you.

Your author platform will expand and evolve with you as various opportunities present themselves.

Be flexible and enjoy engaging with those that love what you bring to the table.

Your author platform will expand and evolve with you as various opportunities present themselves.

Be flexible and enjoy engaging with those that love what you bring to the table.


Until next time,

Keep Sparkling!

What image do you want to portray, and have you started building your author platform?



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